
The House that Remains

1 John 3:11-24

April 2, 2023 • Brad Strait

Conversation Starters

╬   To lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters is both a heart of compassion and generous acts of mercy. Take an inventory of your love practices. Ask the Lord how you can grow in these practices?

╬    Remember how the church, the House of Love, has practiced compassion and mercy to you? Tell others your story and give thanks together.

10 Reasons: #7 Changed Lives, #8 Holy Spirit Encounters

May 5, 2024 • Wade Pursell

Conversation Starters ╬ How do you read the Bible? Is it like a novel with a gripping story or like non-fiction that gives good information to know? “Eating” the Bible involves a meditative, slow, submissive process with interest in both knowing more and, more importantly, becoming more. In the companionship of the Spirit, will you seek to increase your “becoming-more” reading of the Word? ╬ Who do you know who “walks in the counsel of the world, stands with sinners, or sits with scoffers”? Pray for them! May God the Spirit create in them a great hunger for God’s Word who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

10 Reasons: #6 Jesus Claims it is True, and Lives It

April 28, 2024 • Kirk Roberts

Conversation Starters ╬ Jesus is the Word that became flesh. How does Jesus’ incarnation, his life, death and resurrection give you reason to trust the Bible? ╬ Jesus is our teacher who gave us an example of a true servant leader. How did Jesus choose to be known as a leader? Consider Jesus’ leadership example from John 13-14 as you ask yourself, “What Would Jesus Do?”

10 Reasons: #4 Unified Message and #5 Archeology

Brad Strait

Conversation Starters ╬ Do you think of the Bible as one great, cohesive message of salvation? Ask the Holy Spirit to draw you into this message, guiding you into all the truth. ╬ How does this unified message of salvation bring you encouragement and comfort?